Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thai Blessings

When I heard there was going to be a Thai restaurant opening in Cedar Falls the excitement could not be contained. After living in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, I was going into withdrawls. I need regular fixes of Pad Thai. Alas, much was my disappointment. It serves mostly Chinese food, and what Thai food they do make... it is disgraceful to say, but I make better Pad Thai at home. Now that is sad.


Thaihud24 said...

I think that Thai Blessings Restaurant is a great family business. Everybody is so friendly and nice. The food is amazing and you just can't find it anywhere else. This is the best and only Thai joint in town. Don't hate untill you come down yourslef and try out this Thai place. It is a greta restaurant with great atmosphere and a very caring and kind people will greet you at you at your service. Can't get any better than this.

Brigid said...

You know, I've always really enjoyed Thai Blessings. The service is always so pleasant, the food is affordable even for me (classic broke student), and I've loved everything I've tried.

Honestly, you'd know better than I would what country the recipe's from, if it compares to "the real thing", and all that good stuff. But their silver noodles, that dish with the egg and the noodles and vegetables (it's been a year since I had this, and my memory's blanking), and the loksa...oh wow. I really, really love the loksa.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience before. But have you tried their loksa, especially with the "hard" tofu in it? Delish!